Click here to read our most recent Ofsted reports in full.
Heyhouses had an Ofsted inspection in March 2019. We are very proud of our school and were delighted with the results of the inspection.
The Ofsted Inspection team reported:
Pupils are courteous, polite and friendly. They are proud of their school and are respectful towards each other and the adults who teach them. Pupils were extremely keen to talk to inspectors during this inspection about their positive experience of school.
Pupils’ attitudes to learning are strong. There is a purposeful and productive atmosphere during lessons. Pupils show high levels of concentration, and disruption to learning is extremely rare.
The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding.
Heyhouses had a SIAMS inspection in April 2018. The report celebrates the impact that our clear Christian Values have on all within the school.
See below a few comments from the report:
Pupils’ exemplary behaviour and remarkably positive attitudes to life and learning reflect their understanding and use of well-established Christian values.
Pupils’ outstanding spiritual and personal development is exceedingly well supported through the creative curriculum, religious education (RE), collective worship and strong links with the church.
Nurturing relationships, based on Christian respect and hope, support and inspire staff, pupils and their families.
The school’s established Christian vision and values are thoroughly understood and embraced by all members of the school family. ‘We want everyone in our school to live happily together. There is a place for everyone,’ stated a Year 5 pupil. The calm, purposeful and welcoming atmosphere, which is immediately felt by visitors, creates a truly Christian learning environment in which everyone is supported and inspired to achieve. Relationships across the school are remarkably strong. Staff, pupils and parents say that they feel valued and respected. This is because the Christian values of trust, hope and friendship are at the heart of everything that is planned and achieved.