Goodbye Librarians

Image of Goodbye Librarians

In the final week of school, we say goodbye to our Year 6 Librarians. They have done a fantastic job of helping Mrs Norfolk run the library smoothly and we couldn’t have done it with out you. We hope that you continue to have a love of books as you head off to high school. 

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Year 3 and 4 Sports day 2024

Image of Year 3 and 4 Sports day 2024

Year 3 and 4 had a great morning for their sports day with lots of different activities happening. Well done children. 

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Year 3 and 4 Sports Day 2024

Image of Year 3 and 4 Sports Day 2024

Year 3 and 4 really enjoyed their sports day this morning. With lots of events happening, the children were super busy and had a great time. Well done! 

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Cricket with Danny

Image of Cricket with Danny

Danny from Lancashire Cricket has returned to teach us cricket this term and we couldn’t be happier. We haven’t forgotten some of the skills we learned in Year 3 and got stuck in straight away today despite the cold rain. We’re really looking forward to our next session. 

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Yes to Yoga!

Image of Yes to Yoga!

We were treated to a Yoga session today and we all thoroughly enjoyed our session. It was extremely relaxing and we felt so refreshed after our session. Click continue reading to see all of our relaxing photos.

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Brass concert 2024

Image of Brass concert 2024

Today we had our final brass lessons and we performed a mini concert for Year 3. The children did really well and Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed it, giving them an insight into what to expect next year. Well done on learning a new skill Year 4. 

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Terrific Teeth

Image of Terrific Teeth

Today we learned about the different types of teeth we have. We used a mirror to look at our teeth and also ate some biscuit to see which teeth we used whilst chewing. We were then given a challenge to see how it felt when we only used our front incisor teeth to chew on our biscuit, we all agreed…

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Digestive system modelling

Image of Digestive system modelling

Today we used equipment to model the digestive system. It wa lots of fun and very messy but it helped us to remember the names of the body parts and organs involved in the process of digestion. 


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Image of Glowball

Year 4 had an amazing treat today and took part in Glowball Dodgeball. It was so much fun!

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Greek Day 2023

Image of Greek Day 2023

We all had a great time for Greek day and looked amazing in our costumes. We designed an Ancient Greek vase, played some Olympic Games and in teams researched an area of Greek life using the laptops. We all had a super day! 

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Brass lessons

Image of Brass lessons

We're getting much better with our brass instruments. We have been practising Hot Cross Buns. The music to this is available in the music section of our Year 4 page, please practise at home.

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Minibeast Hunt in Year 4

Image of Minibeast Hunt in Year 4

This week in Science we completed a minibeast hunt on our school grounds. We created a tally of how many minibeasts we spotted. 

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